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Detailed Supplies Kit

After a disaster, local officials and many rescue and relief workers may not be able to reach everyone immediately. Help may not come for hours, or even days. Are you and your family prepared to cope with an emergency until help arrives?

Disasters can happen anytime and anywhere. When disaster strikes, there may not be much time to respond. A highway spill of hazardous material could mean instant evacuation. A winter storm could confine your family at home. An ice storm, flood, tornado-like winds, or any other disaster could cut off basic services, such as gas, water, electricity, and telephones for days.

It is very important that your family be prepared for disaster before it strikes. One way to prepare is by assembling a Disaster Supply Kit. Once a disaster hits, you will not have time to shop or search for supplies. However, if you gather supplies in advance, your family can endure an evacuation or home confinement.

Attached are two lists to get you started:

• a condensed list of essential supplies

• a more comprehensive list of supplies


The following short list is to help you determine what to include in your disaster supplies kit that will meet your family’s needs. Please remember infants, family members with special needs and or disabilities.

Essential Supplies

___ Battery-powered radio w/ batteries

___ Two flashlights or battery-powered lantern w/ batteries

___ Water to last three days, at least one gallon per person per day

___ Prescription medications (if you take them)

___ Towelettes, soap, hand sanitizer

___ Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable items (canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter, crackers)

___ A manual can opener

___ First aid supplies (sterile gauze and bandages, safety pins, tweezers, a needle, scissors, antiseptic ointment and sunscreen)

___ A watertight, portable container for important papers.

Other Supplies

___ Blankets ___ Signal flare

___ Infant formula, diapers and ___ Garbage bags

wipes (for those with babies)

___ Whistle

___ Pet supplies

___ Non-prescription drugs (pain relievers, ___ Matches in a waterproof

antacids, antidiarrheals, etc.) container

___ Toilet paper ___ Jumper cables

___ Paper towels ___ Maps

___ Bleach (16 drops of bleach will disinfect ___ Change of clothes

a gallon of water)

___ Disinfectant ___ Extra eyeglasses /contacts

___ Personal hygiene supplies ___ Basic tools

___ Feminine hygiene supplies ___Toys and games for kids

Disaster Supplies Checklist

The following list is to help you determine what to include in your disaster supplies kit that will meet your family’s needs. Please remember infants, family members with special needs and or disabilities.

First Aid Supplies


Home (√)

Vehicle (√)

Work (√)

Adhesive bandages, various sizes


5” x 9” sterile dressing


Conforming roller gauze bandage


Triangular bandages


3” x 3” sterile gauze pads


4” x 4” sterile gauze pads


Roll 3” cohesive bandage


Germicidal hand wipes or waterless, alcohol-based hand sanitizer


Antiseptic wipes


Box large medical grade, non-latex gloves


Tongues depressor blades


Adhesive tape 2” width


Antibacterial ointment


Cold pack


2 pairs scissors (small, personal)




Assorted sizes safety pins


Alcohol and peroxide


Cotton balls




Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant




CPR breathing barrier


First aid manual


Non-Prescription and Prescription Medicine Kit Supplies


Home (√)

Vehicle (√)

Work (√)

Aspirin and non-aspirin pain reliever


Anti-diarrhea medication


Antacid (for stomach upset)








Extra eyeglasses/contact lenses


Food and Water


Home (√)

Vehicle (√)

Work (√)

Water (3 day supply per person)


Ready-to-eat meats, fruits, and vegetables


Canned or boxed juices, milk, and soup


High-energy foods such as peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, and trail mix


Special foods for infants


Cookies, hard candy


Instant coffee




Powdered milk


For Baby



Canned or powdered formula


Diapers and wipes


Bottles and nipples


Medications and ointments


Sanitation and Hygiene Supplies





Washcloths and towels


Heavy-duty plastic garbage bags and ties for personal sanitation uses and toilet paper


Towelettes, soap, hand sanitizer


Medium-sized plastic bucket with tight lid


Tooth paste, toothbrushes


Disinfectant and household chlorine bleach (16 drops of bleach will disinfect a gallon of water)


Shampoo, comb, and brush


Small shovel for digging a latrine




Toilet paper


Razor, shaving cream


Lip balm, insect repellent


Contact lens solution




Feminine supplies



Telephone lines may still be operational even if the power goes out. There is a possibility that portable phones will not work without electricity, therefore, keep one non-portable in your home for emergency situations. Cellular and digital phone systems may even be operational without electricity. Make sure you have fully charged backup batteries available. Plan for the situation that all telephones will not be working in the event of a major disaster.

Equipment and Tools



Kitchen Items


Portable, battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries


Manual can opener


NOAA Weather Radio, if appropriate for your area


Mess kits or paper cups, plates, and plastic utensils


Flashlight and extra batteries or wind flashlight


All-purpose knife


Signal flare


Household liquid bleach to treat drinking water


Matches in a waterproof container (or waterproof matches & lighter)


Sugar, salt, pepper


Shut-off wrench, pliers, shovel and other tools


Aluminum foil and plastic wrap


Duct tape and scissors


Re-sealable plastic bags


Plastic sheeting


Small cooking stove and a can of cooking fuel (if food must be cooked)




Small canister, ABC-type fire extinguisher


Comfort Items


Tube tent








Work gloves




Compass and map of area




Pliers, shut-off wrench




Paper, pens, and pencils


Needles and thread


Battery-operated alarm travel clock


Candles, battery operated lamps, lanterns and lantern fuel


Battery operated smoke alarm


Medicine dropper


Battery operated Carbon Monoxide Detector


Clothes and Bedding Supplies per person






Complete changes of clothes


Sturdy shoes or boots


Rain gear


Hat, gloves, and scarf (if necessary)


Extra socks


Extra underwear


Thermal underwear




Blankets/sleeping bags and pillows


Documents and Keys

Make sure these items are kept in a watertight container


Stored (√)

Personal Identification


Cash or travelers checks, and coins


Credit cards


Extra set of house and car keys


Names and description of any pets


Copies of the following:


• Birth certificate


• Marriage certificate


• Divorce decrees


• Driver’s license


• Social Security cards


• Passports


• Wills


• Deeds


• Inventory of household goods


• Immunization records


• Bank and credit card addresses and account numbers


• Stocks and bonds


• Retirement accounts name, address and phone numbers


• Citizenship papers


• State and Federal Tax records


• Car title and registration


• Automobile insurance policy


• Health insurance information


• Health records for each family member


• List of medication needed by family members


• List of special needs for any family member


• Life insurance policies


• Fire, homeowners, and renters insurance policies


• Adoption papers (if necessary)


• Veterinarian’s name, address, and phone number


Emergency contact list and phone numbers


Map of the area and phone numbers of places you could go


Emergency Preparedness Manual



Be sure to have extra food and water for your pets in your preparedness plans.


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