CDO: 912-573-3271
Commanding Officer: CDR Jeffrey A. Nesheim
Executive Officer: LT Lee E. Evans
Command Master Chief: CMDCM(SS) Michael A. Leggett
Command Mission:
To provide centralized administrative and support services to the submarines and staffs of Submarine Squadron 16 and 20 and all visiting and other assigned units. To assist in material, management, personnel, and waterfront operations for the Kings Bay area.
Command Vision:
Navy Pride and Professionalism are ingrained in every facet of our day to day performance. In our support and defense of the constitution of the United States, we will treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Support is our primary Mission. Not only do we support the submarine Squadron Commanders, the submarines and their crews, we support our Sailors with professional and personal development.
Standards are high for Naval Submarine Support Center, a critical element to Team Kings Bay. We critically self-assess our process with the intent of improving the way we do business.
Communication is central to all we do. We are the hub that allows Team Kings Bay to work efficiently and effectively, providing ready submarines to perform their national tasking.