Naval Air Station Whiting Field (NASWF) has an abundance of unique natural and cultural resources. The Public Works Department (PWD) Environmental Division balances the Station’s mission needs with our responsibility of protecting our environment through proactive compliance, conservation and community outreach.
NASWF, with the needs and requirements of a small city, has a variety of activities and processes that interact with our environment. The administering framework for all environmental programs at NASWF is our Environmental Management System (EMS). EMS manages legal requirements in order to ensure regulatory compliance (with Florida Department of Environmental Protection [FDEP] and Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] regulations) and sets internal goals for our continual improvement. Significant environmental aspects that are currently targeted for improvement include reduction of solid waste (through increased recycling), reduction of hazardous spills, reduction of hazardous materials used (through better tracking), and energy/water conservation.
Important Environmental Documents: Environmental Policy Statement 01/2025