New DoD Policy for Testing for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
In March 2020 the Secretary of Defense issued a policy requiring all DoD-owned water systems, where DoD is the purveyor (supplies drinking water to the installation), to test for PFAS, at installations world-wide, using the most recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) test method (537.1).
This new policy will require DoD-owned drinking water systems, which had previously been tested under the June 2016 Secretary of Defense and Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment) (ASN (EI&E)) policies, to be retested.
Under the new DoD 2020 policy, sites that report below the method reporting limit are to be retested every three years, while systems that exceed the reporting limit are to be sampled quarterly for one year, and once every two years until results are below the method reporting limit. Laboratory data for all samples collected will be provided on the installation’s consumer confidence reports. Please see additional information and testing results below.
PFAS Testing Results Letter