Dental Care
All active duty personnel are seen at the branch clinic. Personnel with dental emergencies can be seen at any time. Family members and qualified beneficiaries are required to utilize the United Concordia dental plan. Information is available upon request from the front desk staff or calling (912) 573- 4212.
Medical Care
The clinic is a primary care outpatient facility that provides routine general and pediatric care. The clinic does not have an emergency room, but medical emergencies are handled at the Southeast Georgia Health System - Camden Campus located on Kings Bay Road. Clinic hours for acute and chronic problems are subject to change due to operational and deployment commitments.
The clinic uses an appointment system for all beneficiaries, including active duty personnel. All appointments are scheduled through the central appointment desk at (800) 529- 4677. TRICARE Prime Patients are given a priority for appointments. All other beneficiaries are seen on a space available basis.
Since the Naval Branch Health Clinic is staffed to handle general medical problems only, patients requiring more specialized care will be referred to other medical facilities. Both military and civilian providers are used in the referral process. TRICARE Prime patients must be referred to outside care by their primary care manager. TRICARE Standard and Extra patients may seek care utilizing their TRICARE benefits.
For more TRICARE information, call the health benefits adviser at (912) 573- 2928 ext. 4228, or schedule an appointment with the health benefits office through the central appointment desk. For additional information regarding TRICARE, call (800) 444- 5445. More information about clinic services can be obtained through the "Guide to Outpatient Services," which may be picked up at the clinic.
For more information regarding Naval Branch Health Clinic Kings Bay, click here.