Region Legal Service Office Southeast (RLSO SE), Detachment New Orleans supports the operational readiness of Department of the Navy assets in the Southeastern United States by providing responsive, timely and accurate legal guidance, support services and training in the areas of military justice and administrative law. RLSO SE headquarters is located on board Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida.
Relationship with Naval Legal Service Office (NLSO)
Two separate and distinct legal commands serve Navy Region Southeast: RLSO SE and NLSO SE. The distinction is important. RLSO SE provides military justice and command services legal advice to commands.
Military justice advice includes matters that are prosecutorial in nature (i.e., related to the prosecution of a member of your command at court-martial). Command Services advice encompasses any other legal issue confronting your command or unit that does not involve the prosecution of a member of the command. In essence, RLSO SE serves as the law firm representing the command.
NLSO SE provides legal advice to individuals. NLSO SE provides Defense Attorneys and Legal Assistance Attorneys for your personnel and their dependents as needed and allowed by law or courts-martial rule. The NLSO office is located in Bldg. 492 and may be contacted at 504-678-4692.
Summary of Services Provided by RLSO
Prosecution of Courts-Martial
Provide preliminary processing drafting of charges, review of preliminary inquiries and advice regarding the preferral/referral of court-martial charges.
Conduct litigation of courts-martial trials including the preparation and authentication of records of trial.
Provide victim/witness assistance as required.
Command Services
Post-trial courts-martial assistance including timely review and advice regarding the Convening Authority’s action, preparation of promulgating orders, and forwarding of records of trial to appellate authority as appropriate.
Summary Courts-Martial (SCM) advice and assistance including drafting of charges, review of preliminary inquiries and referral of charges. Additionally provide advice and training to potential SCM Officers or provide SCM Officer in certain instances.
Provide advice and assistance for all aspects of Nonjudicial Punishment including preliminary processing, conducting the NJP hearing, preparing letters of censure, and forwarding appeals.
JAG Manual Investigations training, advice and assistance to Investigating Officers in preparation of reports and review by convening authority as well as providing.
Administrative Separation advice and assistance in all aspect of the Administration Separation process including providing Recorder in appropriate cases.
Miscellaneous command services (and training) in a myriad of administrative law matters including, but not limited, to the following topics:
- Officer/enlisted performance
- Fraternization
- Sexual harassment
- Government Ethics
- Grievance procedures
- Search and seizure
- Homosexual conduct
- IG/Congressional Inquiries
- Mental Health Evaluations
- Environmental Issues
- Detachments for cause
- FOIA/Privacy Act
- Indebtedness Complaints
- Freedom of expression
- Hate Crimes Issues
- Family advocacy: Child Abuse, Paternity, Family Support, Domestic Violence
For assistance with any of these issue or to set up training for your command, contact RLSO SE Det New Orleans at comm: (504)678-4692 or DSN 678-4692.